Friday, November 20, 2009

Art Journal Love

So I've been playing around with an art journal lately. Y'know, just doing art for my own sake and for fun. I've been working in a sketch moleskine, 5"x8". I've also been exploring mixed media, which is basically a Godsend. As a figure artist, I really hated coming up with backgrounds that were interesting but didn't detract from the image. Not really fun when you're just working with a pencil. Mixed media is the cure to the boring background disease!

So, when I first heard of Suzi Blu, all I really knew was that she didn't really understand facial proportions. (I later learned it was I that didn't understand the Whimsical Style.) I thought she was a 60-something housewife who took up art as something to do to fill the time. Boy was I surprised. So I started checking out her youtube videos and grew a little enamored, I must admit. Though stylistically I don't think I could ever successfully manage whimsey, I've learned a lot about freedom and exploration in my art. It's been a fun discovery process.

Here's to more mixed media joy in the future!
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